Welcome to ARC-SAT !!
The Advanced Research Center for Space Science and Technology (ARC-SAT) was established on July 1, 2019, as an affiliated research center of the Institute of Science and Engineering at Kanazawa University. The Kanazawa University Satellite Project (Kanazawa-SAT3: Study and Training in Space Science and Technology for Kanazawa Cube-Satellite) is an educational and research program in space science and engineering, initiated in 2014 by the Institute of Science and Engineering at Kanazawa University. The program focuses on developing nano-satellites (Kanazawa University satellites) and offers a curriculum that allows graduate students to study cutting-edge space science and engineering intensively. Through the development of handmade satellites (nano-satellites), the program aims to cultivate advanced professionals while also equipping the satellites with unique instruments developed by the university’s space science and engineering research group, with the goal of achieving state-of-the-art space observation and research. ARC-SAT was established to promote this project.

Prof. Satoshi YAGITANI
Purpose of Establishment
ARC-SAT aims to create a research hub for comprehensive understanding from the Solar-Terrestrial system to the distant universe through the development of advanced observation technologies and their application in scientific observations, with a focus on “science using satellites and space probes.” The center also seeks to contribute to the training of human resources in the field of space science and engineering, building on the experience gained from the space science and engineering research conducted by the faculty of the Institute of Science and Engineering at Kanazawa University.
- Promote the development of various satellite projects in Japan and abroad, as well as Kanazawa University’s original nano-satellites, through the development of satellites and onboard instruments.
- Create new observation technologies and scientific results that are competitive on a global scale.
- Contribute to multi-messenger astronomy using satellites and enhance our understanding of the early universe and extreme cosmic environments.
- Deepen our understanding of the space environment within the solar system, which is governed by solar activity.
- Cultivate human resources who are needed in the real world, possessing project management skills, the ability to solve problems from a broad perspective, and the capacity to collaborate with other disciplines through research and development of satellites.